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What is the price of silver?

World Bank estimates show the price of silver stable at around $18/oz over the next 10 years. Futures contracts with delivery in the next 5 years put the price of silver at around $26/oz. gold | copper | aluminum | nickel | zinc | coal | natural gas | crude oil

What will the silver price look like in 2022?

The World Bank’s Commodity Markets Outlook in October 2022 saw the silver price averaging $21 throughout the year, and staying constant at the same level throughout in 2024. According to TradingEconomics ’ global macro models and analysts’ expectations, “silver is expected to trade at $20.25 per troy ounce by the end of this quarter”.

What happened to the silver price?

The result was an 11% spike in silver prices to $30/oz, the highest value in eight years. The victory was short-lived as prices fell the next day by 8% to $27/oz.

What is the future of silver?

Physical silver demand climbed to a record high in 2021, led by an all-time high in industrial applications – silver is the best conductor of electricity, so is often used in high-end applications. Consumption rose by 9% to 508.2 million ounces, according to the Silver Institute.

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